Halloween retail sales projected to soar to £593m in the UK

Alastair Lockhart

Thu 12th Oct 2023


According to the latest Shopper Panel research by Savvy, the UK market is set to see a 29% increase in Halloween retail sales, reaching an estimated £593.3 million.

While high price inflation is a contributing factor, the market is also benefitting from a surge in demand for party food and drinks.

Last year, many consumers scaled back Halloween celebrations due to concerns over rising energy and food costs. However, this year paints a better picture. The timing of Halloween, coinciding with half-term holidays in many UK regions, is encouraging more people to organise parties. Data from Savvy indicates that young families are primarily driving this market growth.

Other key insights from Savvy’s research

Among those planning to celebrate Halloween:

  • 39% plan to buy confectionery, 26% intend to buy a pumpkin and 22% say they will buy fancy dress.
  • 21% told us they will decorate their home, while 20% are going to buy party food.
  • Although money is still tight for households, 70% say that ‘it’s important to make the most of events like Halloween’.
  • Social channels are a growing source of inspiration for the event, with 74% saying ‘social media is the best place to get ideas for Halloween’ and 66% already reporting having ‘seen ideas for Halloween on [their] social feeds’.
  • The popularity of Tik Tok continues to swell, with 50% of those planning to celebrate Halloween saying they’ll use the platform to get ideas and inspiration. Among 18-34s the proportion increases to a staggering 73%, making it the second most important source after supermarket displays.
  • Other significant trends have developed further, with 64% of those celebrating saying they ‘want to buy sustainable products’ and 44% ‘plan to buy personalised or customised products’.